Website or Social Media?

In this digital era, it is important for a business to have a website.


Research stated that company websites attracts more consumers than social media when it comes to product information.

In the consumer journey, social media can be considered as an important tool to increase brand awareness, however, website plays a very crucial part in helping consumer to make decisions in the consideration and purchase stage. A survey showed that 52% of respondents go directly to a company’s website for gathering product information and branded content, while the rest goes to social media and company blogs.

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Since all businesses aim to maximize its profit, marketers need to ensure that this active evaluation stage would lead the consumers to the moment of purchase since it would help the business to increase its revenue and achieve its objectives. Therefore, having a good and easy-to-access website matters.

It is, therefore, substantial to assure that the website of the business will appear in the first page of the search so that it is easy for the consumers to find and access as research says that on average consumers will visit several websites before they make a purchase decision.  In this case, SEO also plays an important role and need to be seriously considered. In addition, it is important to take into account the website’s loading time. Make sure that the website does not take too long to load its content. A research by Google stated that 53% of website visitors will leave the webpage if it does not load within three seconds.

Further, the website design also matters. It would be best to break up a long page into different parts. Infinite scrolling could break user experience as sometimes it leaves user feeling disoriented as they scroll down a page that seems to never end. It is also important to not have too many ads in the website that makes the page looks too crowded. Poor web design could increase the bounce rate of the website which is unfavorable for the business.

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Lastly, having mobile responsive website is also another thing to consider. 57% of people will not recommend or look at a business with a poorly designed mobile site. It is critical that the website could change its layout based on the devices that consumers use for the convenience of the users. Unnecessary images could be hidden so that it will not interfere with the more important information on the site’s smaller display. Thus, as the users adjust the screen and view them on different devices, the website will still look great.

Do you agree that website is more important than social media when it comes to the consideration stage in the consumer journey? Why and why not?

I’d love to know what you guys think!


See you on my next post!


7 thoughts on “Website or Social Media?

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  1. Hi Felicia. I do agree that the website is more important. Social media is the stimulus but often customers want more information. Thus, they will go searching and this is where websites sell their products. So because websites contain more specific information on a product I believe they are more effective than social media.


    1. Very true! Social media is also important to build awareness, but when it comes for gathering informations, i would definitely go to the business’ website to find out more about the products! Both are important in different situations 🙂


  2. I think it is a trick question, hahaha both social media and website are important for the company. Do you think public transports, like bus, taxi, train, are important to our life, the answer absolutely is yes. when you get a private car, do you think the public transports are still important to our lives, the answer I think is yes. Both website and social media can work together to create a better result for our marketing campaign.


    1. Hi Nule, i agree with you that both website and social media will generate best result when combined greatly. As i said before, social media is important in the awareness stage while website is crucial in the consideration and purchase stage. Business should have good both social media and website!


  3. I think a website is critical, it does allow for exploration and finding additional information such as product attributes, information, specific reviews categorised by products, the brands vision and direction, al which are important aspects for consideration. It also makes a brand appear as more legit and professional if the website is created well and with consideration. I myself will always go from social media to the website to look further into the product/service.


    1. Yes, i do the same thing like you. I would be exposed to the brand through social media, then when i really want to purchase the product, i would go to the website and do some research – especially when it is a high involvement product. 🙂


  4. It is very interesting to hear that despite the increasing influence and usage of social media to propel businesses, websites are are core in disclosing the necessary information about the products.
    One of the highlights would be the rising integration of websites and social media. By leveraging social media to boost awareness in the market like you mention might just be a stepping stone for consumers to proceed onto the website where there are more information.
    Also, it is evident that with the rising trends of minimalist designs especially among the millennial, it is extremely crucial to align the social media design in accordance to the current liking. But not only that, to provide for the websites as well for a better customer experience. To have the same color schemes, patterns or icons for example.
    Hence, I do believe Felicia, that both the social media and website plays an equal important role in the consumer’s journey with their overall satisfaction for the brand.


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