Will AI Take Away Our Future?

As we all know, humanoid robots start to become a part of our everyday life nowadays. These robots are powered by the artificial intelligence. It is a branch of computer science that aims to create intelligent machine where it should be able to recognize human speech, to learn and to plan new things as well as problem solving. Machine learning is one of the core parts of AI learning. It is a subset of AI that allows computers to learn the same way people do, only faster, without being explicitly programmed. This machine can often act and react like humans only if they have abundant information relating to the world, that is why DATA is important in this case. This AI is designed to help us, human, to simplify our jobs specifically in doing marketing.

evolution.jpgSource: Evolution

AI can be used for ad targeting. Audience targeting is one of the key benefits of programmatic, allowing advertisers to reach the right consumers with relevant messaging or ads. These machines will be able to target individual users more precise than humans did based on a wide range of data points such as the behavioral information, and personal preferences allowing the machines to target individuals in highly relevant matter.

Reaching the right consumer does matter but it is also important to note that delivering the right experience for the right person is also needed. Many companies have used AI to deliver the best experience to their customers. Netflix, for instance, has used AI to make some different movie recommendations for each subscribers by collecting the user’s data of what kind of movies they watched. Based on that itself, AI will then predict what movies might be aligned with their preferences and suggest it to them. Dynamic creative optimization is the machine-learning technique that can be used to ensure that the companies will make the most of customer-centric personalization.

Another example is Google duplex where many businesses use it to enhance its customer service. This technology, which is both impressive and a bit on the creepy side, feature a human-sounding robot having a conversation with a person who couldn’t even tell that they were talking to a robot. It can even recognize different accents that people have. It also uses a natural tone and uses words and phrases like ‘um’ and ‘uh’ just like a human person would. During a conversation, this AI system can also handle interruptions and elaborate. This allows human to have a natural conversation with a computer. It is very helpful when it comes to handle some of or busy work where it can schedule appointments or answering our call to check the hours of operation at a business.

source.gifSource: Amazed

Given all the facts above, AI has already had a dramatic impact on the advertising landscape. With further learning, it is possible that AI will replace human jobs as it gets smarter and smarter each day resulting in an increase in the unemployment rate. What do you guys think of it? Do you think that it can completely replace human jobs after all? Do you think that AI brings more positive impacts rather than negative impacts? Or is it the other way around?

Would love to know what you guys think!

I’ll see you guys in my next post – maybe? *wink


4 thoughts on “Will AI Take Away Our Future?

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  1. Very thorough analysis of AI! Absolutely I do think it has the possibility to streamline so many aspects of our lives, and make things more convenient for both marketer and consumer! Maybe IRobot will happen one day.. but overall I think it’s the way of the future and although may take time to adjust, overall people will look back and think, how did we ever live without it?!


  2. This is a very insightful blog 🙂 I definitely believe AI has the ability to surpass human capability in many areas (i.e. reconciling figures in a nano second which may take a human a lot longer) and that can be a really good thing because it could give us as employees more time to focus on more complex issues. At the rate it is going, AI has the potential to make a lot of jobs existing today redundant in the near future. It’s scary, but it’s inevitable as we realise the potential that this technology has. I think we just have to embrace it and keep on learning!


    1. Hi Kim, thank you 🙂 I do agree with your point. May be sooner or later, AI will also be able to do and solve more complex issues and AI may take over the world eventually. This is quite creepy to think about. It is true though that it is inevitable and there is not much we can do about it so we should just keep on learning 🙂

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